On The Occasion Of The World Day Against Drugs

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When every labor right is being abolished, when based on the law-guillotine for social security that the Greek government imposed, they prepare to bring new measures on wages, labor relations, when the majority of the youth is unemployed, or is employed with underpaid programs, when the poverty is generalized and affects more and more workers’-popular families, now the debate to legalize drugs has reopened. It is dangerous and it must be blocked.

The same people, who crush our lives in every way, are talking about the right of “freedom” and “choice” for everyone. The system of exploitation benefits from a new generation that will be inactive, it will choose the path of resignation, illusion and submission. We raise our head; we struggle against all the drugs and the causes that generate the “drug-culture”.

At a time when gains and rights are crushed, the government of SYRIZA, blocks the dreams and the future of all the young, following the same path of the previous governments. Through constant false arguments on “drug-culture” they are trying to convince that drug-use is a freedom, a right, an issue of individual choice. With anti-scientific approaches they cultivate tolerance to drug dependence and separate the drugs into harmful and non-harmful!

Legalization and repression operate complementary in the direction to punish every young person who plummets to false paradises. Hundreds of young people are trapped in a rough path without solution and hope; either they are kept in reformatories and prisons or in the search for their drug dose.

None of the proposals or actions face the problem at its core -nor answer to the causes that lead today a young person in the chains of dependencies- if they do not ensure a public and free system of prevention – treatment and social reintegration.

PAME does not adopt such reactionary theories that pave the way to the “drug-culture”! We call upon the workers, the youth to struggle for a society free of drugs and not for a society where the drugs will freely circulate on the shelves of the supermarkets!

We demand:

  • Prevention – Treatment – social reintegration public and free for all.

  • Employment of permanent staff in all treatment programs.

  • The creation of ‘dry’ treatment programs and prevention centers throughout the country.

  • Prevention programs in schools, in universities, in the army, in every area where the youth works and lives. Primary prevention system that targets on the causes and not the effects of the drug addiction.

  • Measures to protect the unemployed and the vulnerable social groups.

  • Generous funding for education from the state budget to strengthen the programs of mass sports, culture and amateur creation.

The young people must struggle, strengthen the trade unions, contribute to reinforce the class line, for the reconstruction of the trade union movement, they must lead the new struggles that the working class will launch to counterattack against its exploiters, to crush their brutal measures, until it will become the owner of the wealth it produces.

We call upon all the trade unions to take a position against the new dangerous proposals that the Greek Government brings. We call the Workers’ Committees in workplaces, the Student Councils in schools and in training and apprenticeship places, the People’s Committees to take initiatives to inform the youth in the places where it lives and works, to strengthen the actions so that the positions and the demands of PAME to reach everywhere. So that the front against all drugs to be reinforced, the steady proposal of struggle against any kind of substance, any kind of dependence to reach the young workers.

Youth Secretariat Of PAME


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