National Strike in Private Hospitals on Friday, July 1st

Δημοσιεύτηκε στις

After a Ruling of the Mediation and Arbitration Organization (OMED, which is an “independent” state organization with the role to mediate among workers’ and employers for Collective Bargaining), with the Ruling having power of Collective Contract for the workers in Private Hospitals, it rules:

  • The abolishment of benefits, included in the last Collective Contact. In addition the abolishment will be imposed retroactively for 2016, resulting the workers in hospitals to have to return money up to 3000€!

  • New cuts in basic wage -0.5%

  • Establishment of the division between old and young workers (those under the age of 25 will be paid 25% less)

This decision is based on the legal framework created by the old government of PASOK (social democrats), ND (conservatives) and the current Government of SYRIZA. It protects the profits of the Business Groups and destroys the lives of the workers! This is what the slogan of SYRIZA for “growth with justice” really means! The SYRIZA Government, not only did it not oppose to the Memoranda, but it prepares new antiworkers’ measures in the service of the monopolies:

  • New wage cuts in the private sector (with abolishment of the Christmas and Vacation benefits)

  • Abolishment of wage raises, based on work experience and other benefits

  • Liberalization of mass layoffs

  • Imposing restrictions to the right to strike (when even today 99% of the Strikes are ruled illegal!)

For this development in the Private Hospitals, great are the responsibilities of the Trade Unions in Private Healthcare, which are controlled by the employers. Using them, the employers achieved a Collective Contract on 2012 which imposed wage cuts and abolishment of many workers’ rights. Since then, employer-led trade unions tried to impose “labor peace” and undermined the organization of the struggle. Those unions took the initiative to address to the Mediation and Arbitration Organization (OMED), knowing very well that this way they lead the workers to the slaughterhouse!

All these, the workers must learn!

It is time to mobilize our forces! To give strong response to the Government and the employers! To demand a Collective Contract based on our needs! A big participation in the Strike will give boost to our fight, it can tip the balance in favor of the workers!

All workers in the National Strike in Private Hospitals on July 1st

It is time to fight for a movement with the needs of the workers first, against the demands of the employers!

We Demand:

  • Withdrawal of the Mediation and Arbitration Organization (OMED) Ruling

  • One Collective Contract for the whole Sector, which will have binding effect

  • Sectoral Collective contract with wage increases that will cover our losses of the past years

  • No division between young and older workers

Trade Union of Workers in Private Healthcare of Athens

Trade Union of Workers in Private Healthcare of Piraeus



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