Nakliyat-İş stands in solidarity with Malamatina Workers who were attacked brutally by riot police

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As Nakliyatİş Union, we declare our unconditional support and solidarity with the workers of Malamatina who have been militantly struggling against the layoffs.

Today, the Government of Greece, as every bourgeois government, acted like the personal bodyguard of the employer by sending riot police forces as well as the Public Prosecutor with the aim of breaking the resistance and intimidating the workers who demand reinstatement of their 15 colleagues.

During the riot police attack, to break the picket lines and allow the entrance of scabs, the police used violence and chemicals, with the result many workers to be injured, many with breathing problems. Among the injured is the cadre of PAME, President of POEEP Federation Yannis Frangidis.

We are very well familiar with this kind of intimidation tactics. But we know very well that no intimidation tactic can stop the huge and militant struggle of the working class!

As Nakliyatİş Union, we condemn the antiworker implementations of the Government of Greece. We once again declare our solidarity with the fighting workers in Malamatina under the leadership of PAME, the unique class oriented union movement in Greece.

Malamatina Workers will gain victory sooner or later!


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