Militant Activities of Class Trade Unions

Δημοσιεύτηκε στις

The last days the developments in Greece called for militant actions by the class trade unions.

Strikes were held and more are planned for the next days in Transport, Press and Printing, super markets, metal and more.

More specifically Strike and militant protests were organized by workers of:

  • Bus Drivers in Thessaloniki demanding the payment of their wages

  • Carrefour super markets against the planned lay offs

  • Steel workers of the HELLINIKI HALIVOURGIA in Volos city, against wage cuts

  • Workers of many municipalities against the privatization of their services

  • Printing Industry BIS

 At the same time many protests were organized against trade union persecutions that continue, aiming to intimidate the militancy of the working class.

Trade unionists and workers who face trials the next days for trade union actions are

  • University personnel for going on strike, though there was court decision against it

  • 35 workers in the ferry line at Thasos for participating in National General Strike though, their sector was under Civil Recruitment Act that forbids strike action.

 Central activity held by PAME was the massive demonstration in Athens Against the Anti-Refugee policy of the European Union on September 23, Demonstration in Solidarity with the Refugees. (Photos at:

PAME also delivered one tone of milk to the refugees, who are camped in Athens and many trade unions continue the gathering of material aid for the refugees.

 At the same time, PAME announced the restarting of the Greek Language school in Athens, for migrants and refugees. Also, the continuation of the cultural groups of PAME, in Theater, Music and Singing.

 PAME is organizing a big protest at the Ministry of Labour on Monday, September 28, Against the plans of the SYRIZA Government to attack labour and social security rights, in addition to changes in the trade union legislation that will lead to making the trade union activity and the right to strike impossible.

 Many trade unions have announced strikes and other actions for the next period, as a response to lay-offs and wage cuts. PAME calls for the preparation of National General Strike Response to the New Anti workers Measures, when the Government of SYRIZA attempts to impose them.



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