Message to the Congress of PAME from Chris Smalls Founder of the Amazon Labor Union 

Δημοσιεύτηκε στις

  Dear, Brothers and Sisters of PAME

I’m looking forward to my participation in this year international conference for labour. We’re at a critical time in history and it’s important that we have strong international solidarity to take on what’s to come from our opposition. Billionaires and corporations are joining forces to sue governments to take away workers rights! The war on Gaza has divided our countries politicians continue to sell the working class out and let’s not forget the threat of A.I. which is coming to replace all of our jobs within the next few years! PAME and the unions of Greece have been a beacon of hope with militant actions which is why I am proud to stand in solidarity with every time I visit. I’m looking forward to discussing how we will stand united and build a future where labour unions thrive and the working class gets their fair share!
Solidarity foreve
Chris Smalls Founder of the Amazon Labor Union


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