Meeting with the Minister of Healthcare for the Conditions of Migrant Land Workers

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PAME, the National Federation of Workers in Milk, Food and Beverages Industries , together with the Coordinating Committee of Land Migrant Workers of Manolada and the wider region, held a meeting with the Minister of Health.

At the meeting we raised all the serious problems that concern the land workers and asked for immediate solutions. The requests we made were:

Vaccination for covid-19 should be started immediately

Access to public healthcare structures (Hospitals, Health Centers, etc.)

The issue of their accommodation be resolved now. We submitted photos and videos about the miserable conditions in the slums. The risk of other diseases is real.

To be given legal documents and not to be arrested by the police after being exploited by the big land owners.

All this along with other problems such as health and safety conditions at work, work time, insurance were presented in the meetings we have held so far with ministers and government officials. The Minister of Health promised that the vaccination of land workers will begin immediately.

We continue to claim the solution to all the problems that concern us, while informing all workers.


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