May 1st Strike Demonstration

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Struggle Rupture Overthrow-Our Path without poverty-unemployement-memoranda!

 May 1st Strike Demonstration

 Workers, Unemployed, Pensioners, farmers, selfemployed

Migrants, Refugees,



We honor the dead of our class, through our struggles. We continue the militant traditions of our movement, the path from Chicago to Kaisariani, till today. We honor the thousands, famous or unknown, who fought hard against the bosses and their state all around the world for the great workers conquests of the 20th century. The 8hour workday and steady jobs with full rights, social security, education, healthcare, the struggles for democratic and trade union freedoms, against the imperialist wars and interventions.

We continue on the same path! Inspired by the same fiery slogan, born through the labor uprisings and great struggles: Workers of the world Unite!

We strenghten our organisation, our class Unity!

We strengthen workers’ solidarity. It is our weapon!

We streengthen the fight for everything that belongs to us, for everything that has been taken from us, everything that was stolen, everything that is our right today! We do not compromise with poverty, unemployement, memoranda, with crumbs and promises.

We send message with our participation!

This May Day is not one more demonstration. We declare our militant alertness, our decision to defend the future of our children. The workers will not welcome, passively and afraid the new memoranda, whatever their label is. The workers will not welcome, passively and afraid the new suffering for the profits of the monopolies.

PAME again and again, 16 years since its foundation, takes the initiative, bypassing the employers’ and governmental trade unionism (old and new), so as the working class to take the stage with its own demands,its own voice. Every honest trade unionist, every worker is called to support this effort.

No waithing, no tolerance to the negotiations of the monopolies with their governments that are underway with the European Union the IMF and the ECB. The negotiations and the agreements are for the interests of the plutocracy, of the industrialists, shipowners, bankers, big malls. They fight like wolves fight for their pray. Against the workers of all countriers they agree completely to: escalate the exploitation, cut the wages, abolish rights in healtcare, education, rstrict trade union organisation and struggle, oppresion measures against people’s movement. The destruction, the stealing and the brutal exploitation of the workers are the pillars of capitalist development.

This truth they attempt to hide behind “patriotic” outcries and nationalist festivities. Whenever the workers and the people hear the bosses and their men talking about patriotism, they should be extremely cautius. The bankers talk about patriotism to the unemployed. Patriotism is what is just for the people and not the interests of the monopolies.

The workers have nothing good to expect from Governments that support the EU, NATO, OECD and IMF, as the current Government of SYRIZA-ANEL does.what changed the last months is whose hand is driving the same policy, in the “common home” of the EU, the IMF and the Capital. The 400 implementation lawsof the memoranda that destroy the wages, the pensions, the labor relations, so as to favor the big coorporations are still active. The dept payments, that come out throught the bleeding of the people are paid in time and for infinity. For the people there only is “austere life” and big words.

At the same time, today’s government also gives away millions for free to the big capital, though tax exemptions and new privileges. For their interests the government participates actively to the dangerous game of the competitions in our region. It supports the interventions of the imperialists, who have bloodsheded the region from Libya to Iraq and from Syria to Ukraine. Hundreds of thousands of refugees are victims of the imperialists, hostages in their claws, who use human souls as a bargaining chip to their fighting for oil, for the control of the pipelines and the markets, for the control of the region. The Mediterranean is filled with corpses, and those who do escape, are living chased by repression, the savage exploitation of the bosses, the knives of the fascists.

We call on trade unions, the mass organizations to demand: No participation, no involvement in the imperialist interventions that take place and to those that are being prepared. No worker should be blinded by the pretenses of the imperialists. Insubordination in Dublin and Schengen Treaties that have transformed our country into a “warehouse of souls”, trapping people. Asylum for the refugees and travel documents for them to travel wherever they want.

Colleagues, the future belongs to the workers. The blood that watered the great task of the liberation of the workers and the oppressed from the chains of exploitation was not in vain!

With the working class as vanguard, with our great social alliance, we move forward! We strengthen the common fight of workers, employees, unemployed, self employed, poor farmers, students, women, of the popular families. We coordinate the steps of PAME with the National Anti monopoly Coalition of the Self employed, the All Farmers Militant Coalition, the Students Fighting Front and Women’s Federation of Greece.


Long Live May Day!

All in the organisation!

All in the Struggle!



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