March 8, International Working Women’s Day

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Working, unemployed, self-employed, farmers, immigrants, young women,

We unite for once more our voice, women and men of the working class and from the other popular strata on the occasion of the International Working Women’s Day. We take our turn on the struggle from the seamstresses and weavers of New York, where on the 8th of March in 1857, they rose up against the brutality of their exploitation. They demanded fewer hours in their exhaustive hours of work, equal payment for the equal work with their male partners, better conditions of work in the horrible factories. They are showing us the road of the fighting demands for the liberation and our emancipation from the bonds of exploitation.

158 years later, they are asking us to compromise with “dignity” to a half life with our rights beaten down. To forget all our conquests, which they took from us during the crisis, in the name of the debt.

To accept the cuts on our benefits for childbirth for the women who give birth to public or private hospitals. To forget the 5 year difference on the retirement limits between men and women, the retirement rights of women on the BAE (Heavy and Hazardous Occupations). To delete from our memory the unemployment’s benefits and to compromise with the flexible, unsecured and bad underpaid work with “expiration date”.

The new government is calling us to invest our hopes to the negotiations inside the bonds of the EU. The deal with the “institutions” (EU, ECB, IMF, = former troika) is bringing a new list of “reforms”.

They are asking us to keep paying the “bill” of the anti-peoples policies and the new measures. The policy of the EU is on the other side of the people’s interests, because it defenses the profits of the big business groups. It’s not the “common home” of the workers, and the working families, but of the monopolies. Our losses in rights and past conquests became profits for the big businesses. Today, they are asking us new sacrifices for the recovery of their profits.

Our dignity is the fight for the life that we deserve!

Today the new technologies and science have lift off the productivity of work and all the women can have a steady and permanent job, a salary that covers our contemporary needs, with rights at work and for social security. There are the conditions for developing public and free services on health, education, providence, with free time for the women and their families, which they will use it to social actions, in cultural and athletic activities so they can develop their special skills and needs.

The potentials that exist today can secure meaningful protection for motherhood and the recognition for its social role.

The women of the working families we rise the flag of the organized struggle and we defend our rights. We take strength from the Social Alliance of PAME, PASEBE, PASY, OGE, MAS and we daily give the fight that will bring us closer to a future without exploitation, for release from the EU and the monopolies. This is our fighting way for satisfying the modern, social needs.

We keep going on for the life that we deserve and is taken from us by the EU, the governments, and the monopolies.

We strongly fight for:

Exclusive Public and Free Health and Providence System

  • Full, free preventive checkups and diagnostic examinations, medicines for all women, without any cuts or exclusions.

  • State funding and development of services and structures for the support of the mother and the child, the families, for the pre-school education, the people with disabilities and the elderly.

Measures for the recognition of the social role of motherhood.

  • Reinstatement of the benefit for childbirth for all women and the allowances to people with disabilities, chronically ill, with many children families and single parent families.

  • Maternity leave for all the working women and allowance of motherhood for the self-employed, farmers.

Exclusive Public and Free Education with abolition of any business activity.

Full insurance and retirement rights.

  • Reinstatement of the 5 year difference in the time limits for retirement, at 55 years of age for women and at 60 for men.

  • To cover immediately all the needs of the Social Funds from the state and the big employers.

Free time for us and our families.

  • The productivity of work has been increased and there is the capability for all to work with fewer hours of work and raises in our salaries.

  • Sunday must remain as a day off.

  • To cancel the laws that promote and reinforce all the flexible working relationships.



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