Kazakhstan ZANHARTU Solidarity To the comrades of PAME!

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We learned that on October 2, 35 PAME trade union activists, who had participated in the protest rally in the building of the Ministry of Labor of the government of the New Democracy Party (ND) in 2013, will be tried. It is also obvious that the government of SYRIZA-ANEL implements the same anti-labor and anti-union policy as the government of ND.

We protest against the repressive actions of the SYRIZA-ANEL government and declare our support to the comrades from PAME who are fighting for the labor rights of millions of Greek workers. The right to strike and to conduct free trade union activities is an integral part of the rights and freedoms of workers.

The working class trade unions, together with the all-Greek fighting workers’ front of PAME, also demand the removal of all charges against 35 PAME trade unionists!


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