In a press release of October 12, the International Trade Union Confederation (ITUC), an instrument of the multinationals and imperialist centers, proves once again it’s dangerous and anti-workers’ role.
In the press release titled “Urgent action needed from IMF, World Bank and G20” , the ITUC notes for the G20 Finance Ministers Meeting with IMF and WB, throughout the text it sends to the unions of the world, the ITUC calls on workers to become beggars and presents imperialist organizations such as the IMF and the World Bank, as well as the G20 anti-workers’ governments, as possible saviors of the workers! At the same time, there is no call for organization and struggle of the working class. There is no comment against the exploitation of workers for the profits of multinationals, there is no reference to the anti-workers’ attack that employers and governments escalate in all countries. No mention to the need to fight against multinationals and imperialist organizations.
The workers and unions of the world have to choose between two paths. The path of ITUC that turns workers into beggars and subjugates trade unions to multinationals and imperialism. Or the path of struggle, of demand, of class struggle against exploitation, against poverty and unemployment