International Day against Racism

Δημοσιεύτηκε στις


March 21st is dedicated to the struggle against racism and racial discrimination. It is a day stained with the blood of more than 70 students who were murdered, on that day in 1966, by the police of the racist state of South Africa, because they demonstrated against apartheid.

All Workers Militant Front (PAME) on the occasion of the “International Day against Racism and Racial Discrimination” addresses to all workers Greek and Immigrants. The crisis does not discriminate. The capital does not discriminate; it wants to secure and multiply its profits. Therefore there is only one path: Organization in the trade unions at the workplaces, in students Unions at schools, in Peoples’ Committees at the neighborhoods. Supporting the workers’ movement, seeking solidarity by the workers’ movement and developing common struggles.

Together to respond to fascism that breeds and inflames racism, terrorizes and tramples on human rights and targets immigrants because it hates the workers and their movement.

We must demand:

  • Isolation of the racist and fascist organizations. A workers’ movement that will be a shield against racism and fascism. Measures against the illegal organizations that exploit immigrants.

  • Humane, decent, open and public temporary reception and accommodation facilities for immigrants – refugees, to replace the detention centers. Special care from state organizations for unaccompanied juveniles, pregnant women, mothers and children, victims of human trafficking, refugees and people who apply for asylum.

  • Travel documents for those who want to go to another member-state of the EU, against the Schengen Treaty and the Dublin Regulations I and III.

  • Asylum or temporary humanitarian status to refugees and those who come from countries of imperialist occupation or civil wars, through fast and reliable procedures.

  • Legalization of immigrants who have created biotic links in Greece, with full working, social and democratic rights. Simplification of the procedures for granting and renewal of residence and work permits, abolition of any financial burden and bureaucracy. Facilitate family reunification procedures.

  • Equal access to public and free healthcare, welfare, regardless of legalization documents.

  • Equal rights to immigrant children, theirregistration in special municipal rolls, automatic acquisition of Greek citizenship in their adulthood, if they want.

  • Unified, exclusively public-free schools for all the children that will ensure unobstructed education for the children of immigrants. Special care for the teaching of their mother tongue and the history of their country of origin.

  • Multilingual public support centers for immigrants that will contribute to free learning of the Greek language.

  • Equal work, social security and social rights for all immigrants and ability to transfer their social security and pension rights to and from the countries of origin by signing interstate agreements.


March 2015



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