Ινδία – Message of Solidarity of Centre of Indian Trade Unions (CITU)

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Message of Solidarity

 The Centre of Indian Trade Unions (CITU) notes with deep anguish and indignation the autocratic attack of the present Government of Greece on the fundamental Freedom and Rights of the working class of the country.

We take note that the Government has come out with a ‘Bill’ empowering the police with ferocious open-ended authority to exercise expanded executive role. In exercise of such draconian powers, the police has been authorized to impose restriction on the primary democratic rights of the working class.

Shockingly, Articles 3, 4, 7, 8, 14, 15 of the ‘Bill’ has dangerous anti-democratic provisions.  For example, pre-conditions have been stipulated to obtain prior permission for organizing public gathering. Further the highly objectionable ‘Bill’ has barbaric provisions to punish with imprisonment to those who will attend so called ‘banned’ public meeting. Police has been empowered to extract heavy amount of fine from the organisers. The routes of rallies and number of participants have been left to the discretionary power of the police. Police can prohibit even those public meetings which are organized with prior permission.  Such restrictions on number of people to take part in rallies and the routes for rally is a below the belt onslaught on democratic right    

The above noted horrifying situation exactly resembles the 1971 dictatorship regime in Greece. The ‘Bill’ in fact is an atrocious weapon with the police to destroy the basic trade union rights. The way various restrictions have been incorporated in the ‘Bill’, it amounts to a blanket ban on day to day activities of trade union movement in the Hellenic Republic of Greece.  CITU record its strong opposition to the anti-worker step of the Government of the day.

CITU is in full agreement with the understanding of PAME that the real intention behind the move is to protect the profit of the capitalist class at the cost of lives and livelihood of the working class by transferring the burden of the systemic crisis of capitalism compounded by the Covid-19 pandemic on the toiling people.  CITU expresses its full confidence on the working class of Greece that they will fight and defeat the disastrous move. The Indian working class in general and the affiliates of World Federation of Trade Unions (WFTU) in India in particular shall extend solidarity action with the fighting working class of Greece.

  With fraternal greetings,



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