General National Strike of November 27th

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General National Strike of November 27th


Do not tolerate a “lesser evil” because it will be the cause of a new attack!


Do not lower your demands!

 Workers, unemployed,

 Take your lives, your future in your hands!

 The future of the working families can not be poverty, unemployment, misery, permanent insecurity. The working families can not suffer every day so as to save the profits of the exploiters, the large business groups.

The development they speak of will definitely bring new profits for the few, but also will continue the wretchedness for the many, who will continue living with crumbs. The state budget for 2015 is in this context, significantly cutting funds from working families’ protection, while it redistributes crumbs. The state budget considers unsustainable cost any increases in salaries and pensions.

 Our future does not lie on the verge of starvation.


We must reject living with the crumbs and the leftovers they spare us.


They use extreme poverty as a leverage to further reduce wages, abolish benefits, pensions, and bring the limits of survival into marginalisation.

 We must reject the theory of class collaboration and subordination to the capitalists.

 Those who claim that may be a common interest between capital and labour are enemies of the people, they lie. It is a mockery and deception for someone to support that industrialists, ship owners, big merchants, hotel owners and bankers can have intact their profits and interests, and at the same time the workers to hope to alleviate and improve their lives.

Enhancing profitability of industrialists, ship owners, large business groups, will not relieve the worker from the nightmare of unemployment, the cuts in wages and pensions, extreme taxation and high cost of living. Today, the example of the big hotel owners of the tourism sector, who have great profits during the last period, while attacking and abolishing workers rights and imposing wage cuts, proves what kind of recovery they mean.

 Stop stealing our hard work!


Increases in salaries everywhere! It is up to us!

 Here and now: SIGN of a new National General Collective Agreement with return to 751€ as a minimum basis for increases in minimum wages. Return the lower sectoral wages at the levels of 2009.Abolish the disgrace of the miserable hunger minimum wages, of 586€ and 511€. No worker without a collective agreement. Put an end to modern guillotine, the individual contracts. Abolish all anti-labour laws that block collective agreements. Restore stable labour relations.


No new intervention in the social insurance system.


It will be a CAUSE OF WAR!

 Right Here, Right Now: Protection of all unemployed for the whole duration of unemployment. Unemployment benefit at 600€. The period of unemployment is recognized as pensionable without charge for the unemployed. The cost to be held by the state and the employers.

Do not put up with modern misery!

 Whoever identifies the interests of the workers alongside with corporate profits, whoever puts their commitments with the European Union over the survival and dignity of the working people, puts himself on the other side. That is the “heaven” of the Capitalists and hell for the vast majority of the working people.

 Do not expect “saviors”!

 On our actions, our struggles, our claims, depend our “salvation” our decent life, having permanent and stable jobs with rights. Reject the illusion that if they change the type of managers in government, the exploitative system will become more humane. The waiting, the putting of hope in governmental changes is proved that does not bring back our abolished rights. The delays, doing nothing, create new concessions, new losses, they stabilize the poverty and misery.

 Break the bonds of modern slavery!

 Either blue green or pink negotiation within the European Union, we will result in new commitments for anti people measures. The current government and the opposition of SYRIZA, only promise crumbs. That is one more proof that their strategy is single. To protect the wealth of business groups, giving impetus to greater profitability and on the other hand, giving nothing to workers.

Accepting the commitments and the debt means unemployment, poverty, misery, half life! The labour-popular movement can not step back from the demand for unilateral cancellation of the debt, the memoranda and loan contracts and disengagement from the European Union. Otherwise we will live under everlasting “Memoranda”.


The workers are the producers of wealth!


They produce; they move their factories, ports, businesses.


Single front against the monopolies

 PAME welcomes the hundreds of unions that coordinated their forces and participated in the National Rally on November 1st. PAME welcomes the high numbers of participation of union of self employed, farmers, women, and youth, unemployed committees, who discussed and joined forces for this all people-nationwide uprising.

The step taken should be continued with a new dynamic, nationwide, by industry, by region, in each workplace. We call the unions with greater perseverance and determination to be in the sectors, industries and offices, to inform the workers, to be at the van guard so as to raise wind of demand in every industry and workplace.


No discount on our needs and our rights!


Reclaim the life that we deserve!





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