Friends of Swazi Freedom: Statement of Solidarity With the Greek Proletariat’s 48 Hour Strike

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We in Friends of Swazi Freedom send our militant solidarity with the various sections of the Greek working class who have mobilized for a 48-hour strike starting on 10/23. This strike action and popular mobilization is in defense of the rights of the working class and against the exploitative measures that the so called “New Democracy” government aims to enact throughout Greece. As the neoliberal government aims to increase the privatization of the Greek economy and enact greater austerity policies to ensure that the imperialist class in the European Union and the United States can profit from greater exploitation of Greek workers, the proletariat and their communist vanguard have taken to the streets and workplaces in struggle. Today we witness as workers in the ports, schools, hotels and metalworking plants have occupied the offices of the bosses and have flooded the streets in defiance of capitalist exploitation. Let us note that especially in the case of the maritime and port workers the struggle for higher wages and better working conditions are entwined with the struggle against the genocide in Palestine. The same workers out in the streets today have consistently been struggling against their labor being used to transport weapons to the Zionist entity at the behest of the NATO alliance which the Greek bourgeoisie is part of. The worker struggle in Greece is not just of an economistic character, but one that struggles for national sovereignty and international solidarity with not just the Palestinian people but all peoples who are oppressed by the terrorist bloc known as NATO.

We salute the steadfastness and the militancy of the Greek proletariat. In the face of the Ministry of Education trying to prevent the strike action of education workers in primary schools, teachers in high schools have joined today’s national strike action. This is a beautiful example of class consciousness and steadfast solidarity within the working class of Greece. We call on our allies in the United States and abroad to take note of the tactics used by the Communist militants in organizing with the Greek proletariat and truly building firm connections with the people. We know that these 48 hours is just the lead up to greater manifestations of the worker struggle which will culminate in a National Strike on November 20th. We hope to join in organizing solidarity demonstrations for November 20th as a show of solidarity and due to a dedication to the principles of proletarian internationalism.

We once again salute the Greek proletariat and send our revolutionary greetings to the workers and communist organizers. The struggle you wage is just and should be supported by all revolutionary formations worldwide!

Forward to Revolution!

All Power to the Working Class!

Down With EU/NATO Imperialists! Power to the Greek Proletariat!


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