FNIC CGT : Long live the fight of Greek and French workers.

Δημοσιεύτηκε στις

Dear Comrades,

The FNIC CGT addresses all its support and assures you of all its solidarity in the battle you are waging against the breakage of your pension and social security systems.
This breakage, like that which the French government is trying to impose on us, is only a response to the orders of the capitalists who want at all costs to get their hands on the financial windfall represented by our social protection systems.
But the Greek workers will, we are sure, give them the answer they need: retirement and social security are ours, not the bankers!

Long live the fight of Greek and French workers.
Long live international solidarity.

Bien fraternellement à vous tous,

Le Secretariat Fédéral de la FNIC-CGT


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