Common Call of Trade Unions of Italy, Greece, Turkey in Solidarity with the Refugees

Δημοσιεύτηκε στις

We, class oriented trade union organizations, stand by the side of the Refugees and Migrants and organize a series of actions in our countries

We call the unions to work on the problems of migrants and refugees, along with the struggle against the problems of the working class of each country, the struggle for the protection of the unemployed and those who suffer from poverty and destitution, the struggle for better lives for the workers regardless of race, colour, or religion.

We demand humane and dignified living conditions to be ensured in all places where refugees and immigrants are located.

We demand all refugees and migrants to be transferred directly to locations with decent living conditions, prioritising pregnant women, families with children and people with special needs.

We demand adequate nutrition and health care for all refugees and migrants to be ensured.

The Trade Unions must take initiatives against Imperialist Interventions and Wars, Against NATO and the EU, against the participation of our Governments in the imperialists’ plans.

We must not listen to the hateful messages of the fascists and others who blame refugees to hide the real responsibles for the wars and the uprooting of people. Those are the Monopolies and their thirst for more profits.

Faced with this situation and the risk of a generalised military conflict the risk for new bloodbath, deaths and creation of new waves of refugees, it is necessary for workers of all countries, refugees and migrants, united, to organise our struggle

We demand:

  • The cancelation of the decisions, agreements and regulations (Dublin, EU-Turkey Agreement etc), which trap the refugees

  • The provision of the refugee status to all nationals coming from countries that have suffered imperialist attacks

  • The state provision and state-functioning of open reception structures, where there will be a record and temporary accommodation will be offered under the sole responsibility of the states.

  • To ensure adequate quality food, which will cover the nutritional needs of the refugees in the long-run and which will meet health specifications.

  • To ensure the integration of refugee children in education under state responsibility and all the necessary measures to be applied.

  • State coverage and provision of health to the refugees. The NGOs must be left out. Strengthening of public infrastructure with staff and funding and implementation of disease prevention and treatment and vaccination programs, etc.

  • NO to NATO and Imperialist Interventions.


Under these demands we organize actions and activities in our respective countries


  • Greece, Demonstration of PAME in Athens, December 16,

  • Italy, Demonstration of USB in Florence, December 17

  • Turkey, Activity of Naklyat Is




The document is also signed by

OSPN Patos, Albania




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