CITU Congratulates the Greek Dockworkers for preventing the unloading of Israeli war Materials

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The Centre of Indian Trade Unions (CITU) a class-oriented Trade Union confederation representing more than 7 million workers and an affiliate of WFTU, congratulates the and hails the courageous and decisive class actions of dockworkers of Piraeus port in Cosco, Greece, who prevented the ship MSC ALTAIR from unloading the war material destined for the Gaza Strip in support and solidarity with Palestinian people.

Upon learning that the ship would dock at Piraeus, the dockworkers announced it would not allow the unloading of war materials, they called for a mobilisation on 15th June, 2024 to enforce this decision. The dockworkers also called on Italian dockworkers to follow their lead and asserted, the dockworkers of the world stand united, in solidarity with Palestine until it is free This ship, after being unable to dock at the port of Barcelona, set sail for Pier I of the PPA. However, the spirited stance of the dockworkers has thwarted the US-NATO plans and those of the Greek government, which increasingly entangles us in US-NATO schemes, whether by facilitating NATO’s killing machine or by sending military material and personnel to conflict zones.

The Communist Party of Greece (KKE) supported this action by staging a broad strike and intervention at Pier I of the Piraeus Port Authority (PPA). The KKE members endorsed the dockworkers’ stance against unloading the war material intended for Israel. PAME also supported and extended their class solidarity to the heroic dockworkers of port of Piraeus, Cosco.

The CITU once again congratulates the dockworkers of Cosco and demands immediate ceasefire of ongoing genocidal war on Palestine. The CITU support the Palestinian people’s demand for their homeland and resolution of the issue on the basis of establishment of free Palestinian state with 1967 borders and East Jerusalem as its capital. CITU calls upon its affiliates and members and also the entire fraternity of the WFTU within the country and abroad to raise their voice louder and with much more intensity against Israeli genocide and in solidarity with Palestinian people.



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