CGT France Federation of Commerce and Services: The Secretary General of the Federation was summoned to the Commissioner of the Police for September 2

Δημοσιεύτηκε στις

After the mobilization in CONFORAMA of July 11, the Business Managers filed a complaint against Amar LAGHA, Secretary General of the Federation.

It should be remembered that, with the support of the Federation CGT Commerce and Services, the employees of CONFORAMA came from all over France on July 11, to demand explanations on the destruction of jobs and store closures, on the occasion of the first meeting of the Central Business Committee on the PSE (employment rescue plan).

Even locked in the hotel room turned into a bunker and protected by more than 30 bodyguards, management failed to prevent protesters from reaching the meeting room.

Instead of trying to develop the dialogue with the employees whose life is turned upside down due to embezzlement and serious management errors of business leaders, the CONFORAMA Managers canceled the meeting of the day, categorically refusing to discuss anything.

Now, maintaining a total disdain for the suffering and anger of the employees who see their jobs disappearing, the CONFORAMA Managers try to obstruct the support provided by the CGT Federation of Commerce and Services, filing a complaint against Amar LAGHA.


Meeting on September 2, 2019 at 9:30 in front of the Commissioner of Noisiel


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