Union of Workers in the Bank Sector of Athens in Solidarity with Bank Employees’ of India Strike on December 26

The Union of Workers in the Bank Sector of Athens, member of PAME, stands in solidarity  to the mobilizations of our comrades and fellow...

Thousands of Pensioners Demonstrated in Athens

https://www.flickr.com/photos/141955787@N05/46300582002/in/album-72157674597868497/ Thousands of Pensioners from all over Greece held a great demonstration in the center of Athens on Saturday, December 15. The pensioners demanded the reinstatement...

Workers’ Strike in Médecins Sans Frontières of Greece

The Union of Private Employees in Athens held a strike on December 11 for workers in Médecins Sans Frontières' (Doctors Without Borders) offices, demanding...

For the Solidarity of Indian Workers

The Regional Trade Union Center of Lavrion-East Attica welcomes the moving and magnificent expression of solidarity by Indian immigrant workers, who, through their Federation...

MARRIOTT Athens, Greece Workers’ Union Expresses Its Solidarity To The Marriott Workers Around The World

The MARRIOTT Athens, Greece Workers’ Union from and the Hotel-Tourism Workers Union of Athens express their solidarity to the MARRIOTT Workers around the world for their...

Big Demonstration of Pensioners in Athens

https://www.flickr.com/photos/141955787@N05/45070365685/in/album-72157702348383371/ On Tuesday, November 20th thousands of pensioners gave a militant response to the SYRIZA-ANEL government with a large and powerful rally in Athens Retired people...

Big Strikes in Public Sector-Construction-Healthcare. Police Attacked Against Construction Workers’ Strikers

https://www.flickr.com/photos/141955787@N05/45152668154/in/album-72157702079289981/ On Wednesday, November 14th, strikes took place all over Greece in the sectors of Public Services, Construction and healthcare. The trade unions members of...

State Services Invade in Trade Unions Offices

With a prosecutor's order, the Greek IRS services carried out a raid at the offices of the Piraeus Teachers' Union (ELME Piraeus). During the raid,...

First Victory for the COSCO Dockworkers in Piraeus

The organized fight of the of the ENEDEP union of the dockworkers of Piraeus port, against the Chinese monopoly of COSCO, brought the first...