Big Strike and Protest in the Island of Samos

"Stop the crime - Close the hot spot now. Unblock Refugees and Immigrants. Not in the downgrading of Healthcare ". With this motto, dozens...

February 7 General Strike in the Island of Samos in Solidarity with the Refugees

The Regional Trade Union Centre of Samos (island in the Aegean Sea close to Turkey) decided a 24-hour strike on Thursday, February 7th, in...

25th Congress of National Federation of Construction Workers of Greece

  On January 25-27 took place in Athens the 25th Congress of the National Federation of Construction Workers of Greece, member of PAME. The Congress took...

Strike of the workers in Greenpeace

Workers at Greenpeace in Greece are going on strike on Jan. 25 against the lay-offs that took place by the NGO The lay-offs took place...

Seminar on Health and Safety The Union of Workers in Public Local Administration of Athens, member of PAME, held a Seminar on Health and Safety in the Workplaces on...


On Thursday 27th of December, the union of workers in the telecoms and IT sector of Athens along with workers of Teleperformance gathered at...

Union of Workers in the Bank Sector of Athens in Solidarity with Bank Employees’ of India Strike on December 26

The Union of Workers in the Bank Sector of Athens, member of PAME, stands in solidarity  to the mobilizations of our comrades and fellow...

Thousands of Pensioners Demonstrated in Athens Thousands of Pensioners from all over Greece held a great demonstration in the center of Athens on Saturday, December 15. The pensioners demanded the reinstatement...

Workers’ Strike in Médecins Sans Frontières of Greece

The Union of Private Employees in Athens held a strike on December 11 for workers in Médecins Sans Frontières' (Doctors Without Borders) offices, demanding...