Big Demonstration of Public Sector Employees

Δημοσιεύτηκε στις

Κινητοποίηση απο Σωματεία-Ομοσπονδίες του Δημοσίου

A big rally with demand for permanent jobs with full rights was carried out by over 140 trade union organizations of the Public Sector. With a Rally in Athens and a demonstration at the Parliament.

Basic is the demand for the steady and permanent job positions for all workers with limited-time contracts and the lifting of any constitutional ban.

So far, 8 Federations, 125 Unions, 7 Regional Unions of Public Services and 4 workers’ committees have signed the demand of the demonstration.

The proposal that has been formulated, says

“The right to work, stable and permanent work is non-negotiable and guaranteed for all workers. Therefore, Article 103 and the Constitution as a whole cancel any provision which prevents or cancels this right, which prohibits the conversion of contracts to an indefinite period. It is now enshrined in the Constitution and it is obligatory for all public services to establish all staff with permanent contracts “.



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