Militant Strike in Public Hospitals

With massive demonstrations in Athens and many cities all over Greece the workers in Public Hospitals took part in National Strike in Public Hospitals...

A delegation of PAME and its forces in Telecommunications protested at the Embassy of Spain in Athens

  On Friday, May 15, a delegation of PAME and its forces in Telecommunications protested at the Embassy of Spain in Athens, expressing their...

La Federación de Trabajadores de Textil de Grecia condena el crimen en una fábrica de zapatos en Filipinas

  La Federación de Trabajadores de Textil de Grecia condena el crimen de los nuevos empresarios en una fábrica de zapatos en Filipinas, donde...

The Federation of Workers in Textile of Greece condemns the new employers’ crime in a shoe factory at Philippines

The Federation of Workers in Textile of Greece condemns the new employers' crime in a shoe factory at Philippines, where more than 70 workers...

24hour Strike In Nireus Fish Industry

Trade Union of workers in Food & Beverages Evias – Viotias  07/05/2015 24hour Strike In Nireus Fish Industry In the 16th of February 2015,...

For today’s Mays 1st Strike Demonstrations

We send our greetings to today’s strike demonstrations of PAME that took place in 76 cities around the country, honoring this year workers May...

Photos of the Celebration of the 16 year anniversary of PAME

Photos of the Celebration of the 16 year anniversary of PAME at

Massive and Militant the Demonstration of PAME for the migrants and the refugees

A Massive and Militant demonstration was organised by PAME with thousands of workers, young people and migrants. The protesters denounced the barbaric and murderous...