24hour Strike In Nireus Fish Industry

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Trade Union of workers in Food & Beverages Evias – Viotias


24hour Strike In Nireus Fish Industry

In the 16th of February 2015, the NIREUS (Fish Industry) administration ordered the dismissal of our co-worker B.K. who was working in the facilities that are located at Gialtra, Evia. Our co-worker, member of our union, was fired because she played a leading role in the creation of the Industry trade unionof NIREUS in Evia.

In her work she was a model employee. B.K is single mother of 2 young children; she is teaching them by her personal example that they should not bow their heads.

In the 7th of April, after many postponements, there was a meeting with the Labor Inspection of Evia where the union requested from the company to recall the dismissal. Our business union of workers in Euboea, after contacting meetings, in the 20th of April issued an announcement where was requested from the company to change their decision and recall the dismissal.

NIREUS, thebiggest producer of Mediterranean fish in the world, fires a mother of 2 young children while at their website they promote the company for Social Responsibility, respect of human rights and the freedom of trade unionism!

Also NIREUS is participating at UN Global Compact, which claims to protect the right of the workers in trade unionism. That is of course the image NIREUS wants to show to the world. But concerning its employees, from 2013 the salaries are reduced, in 2010 there was a deadly industrial accident and about human rights, they don’t include people, like the co-worker that was fired and she is single mother of 2 young children! That’s the real face of the employers. They attack the employees’ rights in order to raise even more profit.

Considering all the above, we announce 24hour strike in the facilities of NIREUS in Evia, on Thursday the 14th of May 2015 demanding the recall of the dismissal.

We invite all the trade unions of NIREUS group and every employee individually to support the strike in order to win the reinstatement of our co-worker.

We invite trade unions, organizations, workers and the people of Evia to support our strike. We invite them to sign and publish resolutions for Solidarity and denouncement of the unfair firing of our co-worker.



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