Militant Strike in Public Hospitals

Δημοσιεύτηκε στις

With massive demonstrations in Athens and many cities all over Greece the workers in Public Hospitals took part in National Strike in Public Hospitals and Healthcare facilities.

 In the strike participated with a 3hour work stoppage all Public Sector Employees.

 Also, the same day Pensioners Unions, organised rallies all over Greece, demanding for Free, Public Healthcare for all.

 The coalition government of the social democratic SYRIZA and the nationalist, far right ANEL, leads the Public Healthcare System to financial suffocation, and downgrades all its services.

 Workers are called to pay more money for medical tests, medical expenses, treatments, etc, while private owned Healthcare business groups, pharmaceutical companies, diagnostic centers increase customers and profits! This tragic situation in Healthcare is a result of the European Union policies that considers Free, Public Health Services for the people as an “expense”, which creates obstacles to the profitability of the capital.

 The strike was a message that the Greek people will respond to any attempts of the Greek Government and the Troika to impose a new Memorandum.

 Already the forces of PAME campaign for the preparation of a National General Strike against the new Memorandum and demonstrations all over Greece, on June 11.

 Photos at





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