Strike In Food Industries ZOURAS Against Lay Offs

Since dawn the forces of PAME, Federations and Trade Unions are standing by the workers of ZOURAS Food Industries who went on Strike in...

Massive Protest of PAME to the Ministry of Labour

PAME held a massive protest at the Ministry of Labour on Wednesday, August 5, as a response to the Greek Government, the European Union...

PAME denounces the lay offs and wage cuts in big Media corporations

The monopolies in all sectors destroy workers’ wages and rights. They massively lay off workers. The big Media corporations would also impose such measures,...

PAME condemns the murder of Palestinian infant by Israeli settlers

Endless brutality! The murder of Palestinian infant by Israeli settlers adds one more bloodshed page in the history of the Israeli murderous aggressiveness. The...

New Attempt to Silence the Action of the Class Trade Unions

The Executive Secretariat of PAME denounces the Mayor and the Municipal Authorities of Kalamata (city in the Southern Greece) for demanding PAME to pay...

Stop Trade Union Persecutions

On July 27, after demand of the Trade Union and the Federation of Workers in Chemical Industries of Greece, was held a three-party meeting...

Immediate Measures for the Heatwave at Childcare Facilities

In view of the weather conditions the next few days, apart from the measures to be taken for the safety of workers in the...

July 22, Massive Rallies of PAME against the Antiworkers Measures (PHOTOS)

On Wednesday, July 22, PAME held massive demonstrations during the voting of the 2nd wave of Memorandum requirement measures, which attack workers rights. ...