Massive Protest of PAME to the Ministry of Labour

Δημοσιεύτηκε στις

PAME held a massive protest at the Ministry of Labour on Wednesday, August 5, as a response to the Greek Government, the European Union and the big Capital who destroy the lives of the working class.

The statements of the Minister of Labour to the delegation of PAME are a provocation to all workers.

The Minister of the Government of SYRIZA openly stated that “everything is in discussion”. All the rights of the workers, the pensions, the trade union rights, everything is questioned.

He clearly stated that he supports the rise of the retirement age limit!

He clearly stated that he will reform trade union rights!

He clearly stated his intention to block workers’ right to strike!

He made clear that there will be escalation of the attack against whatever workers’ rights are left, asking at the same time support of the trade unions in the imposition of the New Memorandum!

This is the Government of the “Left”! The Government to impose the most brutal antiworkers’ measures and the workers to carry the rope for their own gallows!

No Waiting! No Step Back! Alert!

PAME denounced the merciless attack of the big corporationswho have turned the workplaces into sweatshops, with layoffs, wage cuts, unpaid workers. PAME stated that the class trade unions will not take part to attempts to promote class collaboration with “social dialogues” etc

PAME calls the trade union organization to mobilize, to take up initiatives to inform and organize the working class. To prepare the workers for militant, fighting, decisive response to the New Butcher-Memorandum that is coming.






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