PAME denounces the lay offs and wage cuts in big Media corporations

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The monopolies in all sectors destroy workers’ wages and rights. They massively lay off workers. The big Media corporations would also impose such measures, as they are also the main propaganda machine of the anti workers’ attack and supporters of the Memorandum of SYRIZA. On one hand they make disappear huge workers mobilizations and struggles against the antilabour policies and on the other hand they make disappear the rights and the jobs of those who work in the media.

On Friday some of the biggest media corporations in Greece announced dozens of lay offs, along with 50% wage cuts to the remaining technical staff.

PAME denounces the massive lay offs and wage cuts of the media employees. PAME has been next to the struggle of the workers who fight, right from the start and calls the working class to respond militantly to the escalating attack of the employers in all sectors.

PAME calls the trade unions, the federation, the regional trade union centers to express massive solidarity with the fighting workers and demands:

  • Immediate cancelation of all lay offs

  • Singing of Collective Contracts with full recovery of the losses the workers’ have suffered

  • Jobs with complete satisfaction of the social and insurance rights of the workers


 Athens, August 3, 2015


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