Dockworkers’ of Piraeus Meeting with Port workers of Genoa

On Tuesday, January 19, a delegation of the ENEDEP (Piraeus-COSCO Dockworkers’ Union) held a teleconference with the Port Workers' of Genoa, Italy of the...

2Day Strike in FAGE Food Industry

The workers of FAGE Food Industry in Athens held a 2day strike with massive and militant participation against the layoff of a worker. The company...

PAME Supports WFTU Campaign in Solidarity with the Children of Palestine

The class unions of Greece expressed their support and solidarity with the people of Palestine and the WFTU International Campaign for the Release of...

Protest Against State Budget   Symbolic protest was organized yesterday afternoon in front of the Greek Parliament by delegations of Federations and Trade Unions that rally with PAME, against...

Public Hospitals Doctors and Health Workers Action Day December 10 New symbolic actions were carried out yesterday, December 10 by the Doctors, Nurses and Health Workers in the public hospitals of Greece, who continue...

Symbolic Protest Action for the International Day of Disabled Persons

Symbolic protest actions were carried out on Thursday, December 3, by the militant movement of the disabled on the occasion of the International Day...

PAME Message of Condolence for the Passing of Comrade Ramón Cardona Nuevo

PAME, Greece expresses its condolences for the passing of the historical cadre of CTC Cuba and WFTU, Ramón Cardona Nuevo. Comrade Cardona, as a cadre...


PAME participated in the expanded Virtual Meeting of the European Regional Office of WFTU that took place on November 30. The meeting took place with...