Symbolic Protest Action for the International Day of Disabled Persons

Symbolic protest actions were carried out on Thursday, December 3, by the militant movement of the disabled on the occasion of the International Day...

PAME Message of Condolence for the Passing of Comrade Ramón Cardona Nuevo

PAME, Greece expresses its condolences for the passing of the historical cadre of CTC Cuba and WFTU, Ramón Cardona Nuevo. Comrade Cardona, as a cadre...


PAME participated in the expanded Virtual Meeting of the European Regional Office of WFTU that took place on November 30. The meeting took place with...

PAME Statement on the Big Strike of November 26 (VIDEO-PHOTOS) PAME salutes the thousands of workers who today broke the silence. Thousands of workers broke the employers’ violence and the state repression and went...

PAME Successful Day of Blood Donation PAME organized a day of blood donation in its central offices on Sunday, November 22. Regarding the necessity of blood donation, PAME stated that...


Under The Masks We Have A Voice And We Claim We demand Immediate Measures to Protect the People's Health- Requisition of Private Health Structures- Immediate...

Solidarity with All India Strike November 26

PAME that represents the class-oriented workers movement, member of WFTU, express our solidarity to the trade unions and workers of India for their strike...

PAME Action Day for Safe Public Transport With campaigns, visits, posters and leaflets in Metro, bus and train stations unions from all sectors demanded safety measures and immediate actions for people’s...

Big Antiimperialist Protest Attacked Brutally by the Police in Athens

The big demonstration of the people of Athens, the Unions, the organization of the people against imperialist intervention and wars, against NATO-USA, in honor...