100 Unions of GREECE Demand STOP NOW the Imperialist Crime against the People of Palestine

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More than 100 trade union organizations from all sectors and regions of Greece have signed a common resolution of solidarity with the People of Palestine demanding to STOP NOW the imperialist Crime.

The resolution states:

Resolution of the Trade Unions of Greece

STOP NOW the Imperialist Crime against the People of Palestine

The Trade Unions of Greece raise their voices and stand by the heroic people of Palestine who are confronted with the murderous policy and barbarity of Israel. We cannot remain silent and inactive in the face of this crime.

73 years since May 15, 1948, the Nakba Disaster, when 415 Palestinian villages were completely destroyed after the Israeli invasion, more than 10,000 Palestinians were killed and tens of thousands were injured, and 760,000 Palestinians were forcibly displaced to end up refugees in the surrounding areas. The Palestinian people are experiencing a new catastrophe.

The state-murderer of Israel, using the open support and tolerance of the US-NATO-EU and Governments -as those of Greece all these years- escalates its aggression, settlements, expulsions of Palestinians, violence, bombings and even killings of  young children, while threatening a new invasion in Gaza and new bloodshed.

The developments and aggression of Israel are stepping on the dangerous plans and rivalries of the monopolies. The recognition of the American-inspired so-called “Israeli right to self-defense” is an acceptance of the illegal occupation of Palestine and the occupier’s violence against a people who are fighting for their freedom.

The workers, the unions of Greece that we sign this Document we denounce the continuing crime against the Palestinian people. We denounce and demand the cessation of all cooperation and support of the Greek Governments with the murderous state.

The Government of Greece to proceed NOW with the implementation of the decision of the Greek Parliament of December 2015 for the recognition of the Palestinian state.

STOP NOW all Israeli aggression against the Palestinian people.

We strengthen Solidarity with the Palestinian people for the creation of an independent Palestinian state with East Jerusalem as its capital on the 1967 borders

Stop the crime, for the people to live peacefully in their homes.

The Regional Trade Union Centers of






Kefalonia – Ithaca

Northern Dodecanese




Lefkada – Vonitsa


The National Federations

Special Education Workers

Federation of Accountants

Press and Paper Industry

Milk Food and Beverages

Federation of Textile – Clothing – Leather Workers of Greece

Federation of Pharmaceutical of Greece

Federation of Builders & Related Professions of Greece

Federation of Pensioners of Greece IKA & ETM

Federation of OAEE Pensioners


The full list of signatures in PAME’s website


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