For the death of a 45-year-old worker at the docks of COSCO in Piraeus No more blood of workers for the profits of the bosses PAME expresses the condolences and the unspeakable sadness of the class unions to the...

Solidarity with Genoa Port Workers’ Strike

PAME expresses its solidarity with the port workers of Genoa who started a 48-hour strike in the early hours of October 25th. Port workers denounce...

13th Congress of Women’s Federation of Greece-OGE

On October 22-24 took place the national Congress of the Women’s Federation of Greece with the participation of 700 delegates from 145 women’s associations...

Solidarity in the struggle of the workers of the Lisbon Metro

PAME expresses its solidarity with the workers of the Lisbon Metro (Metropolitano de Lisboa) of Portugal, who are fighting for a Collective Agreement, salary...

PAME Solidarity in the strike struggles of the working class of USA

PAME, which represents the class union movement of Greece, a member of the WFTU, expresses solidarity with the workers in the USA who are...

@PAME_Greece International Twitter Account

PAME launched its new multilingual Twitter Account of the International Secretariat of PAME. PAME International @PAME_Greece Through this new account PAME will inform and communicate with the...

PAME greeting at the NEHAWU Congress

PAME, which represents the class union movement of Greece, affiliate of WFTU, salutes the Congress of NEHAWU, who fight for the protection of the...

PAME Solidarity with Skoda car factory workers in Czech Republic

PAME expresses its solidarity to the workers of Skoda car factory, which is part of Volkswagen Company, in the town Mlada Boleslav, Czech Republic,...

Anti-Fascist Initiatives “We Fight Fascism and the system that gives rise to it” We are not afraid and we do not forget! We are fighting fascism and the system that gives rise to it! A strong, powerful...