Free all Palestinian Political Prisoners in Israeli Prisons!

Solidarity with the People of Palestine PAME firmly on the side of the Palestinian people denounces the ongoing, brutal Israeli occupation and the inhuman repression...

PAME Greece – Solidarity with the Royal Mail Workers’ Strike

PAME, which represents the class unions of Greece, expresses its solidarity with the workers of the Royal Mail multinational postal service in Britain who...

Solidarity with the General Strike of South African Workers(VIDEO-PHOTO)

PAME expresses its solidarity with the big General Strike of the South African workers and COSATU. On Wednesday 24 August thousands of South African workers...

PAME Greece – Solidarity with the Teachers’ Strike in Columbus, Ohio(VIDEO)

PAME, which represents the class unions of Greece expresses its solidarity with the teachers in Columbus, Ohio who went on a massive strike demanding...

Kavala Fertilizers Industry-Cancelation of 133 layoffs

On Monday, August 22, the Court of Kavala gave its ruling for the cancelation of the layoffs of the workers in Kavala Fertilizers Industry. The...

Solidarity with MALAMATINA Workers The Secretariat of PAME salutes the many weeks of struggle of the workers in the MALAMATINA factory in Thessaloniki. The workers in MALAMATINA are...

PAME Solidarity with the UK Rail Workers Strike on July 27

PAME expresses its solidarity with the new strike of the Rail Workers of UK on July 27. Rail Workers in Great Britain have been...

Successful Event of Greek & Migrant Workers in Manolada With great participation and enthusiasm, the migrant land workers welcomed the cultural event organized at the Stadium of Nea Manolada by PAME and the...

PAME Statement-Immediate Measures of Protection for the Workers During the Heatwave

All trade unions at the workplaces to protect workers' health during the heatwave No worker alone! Immediate protection measures! Colleagues Based on experience, the lack of health...