Solidarity with the people and the workers of South Africa

PAME, member of the WFTU, expresses its condolences for the victims of the devastating floods in South Africa. We stand by the workers and the...

Israel Continues the murdering of Palestinians

PAME denounces the new killing of a Palestinian by Israeli forces. This time Israel killed an unarmed mother of 6 children in the West...

Athens Protest: No Greek Army Force for the Imperialist Wars On Friday, April 8, Unions and Associations protested at the Defense Ministry of Greece against sending expeditionary army force, or military equipment for NATO...

PAME denounces the apperance of members of the Nazi AZOV battalion in the Greek Parliament

We denounce today’s disgraceful and miserable images in the Greek Parliament with the MPs of the parties ND-SYRIZA-KINAL-MERA25, the parties of the NATO arc...

Hands off from the Trade Unions – Solidarity in the USB Union of Italy

PAME expresses its solidarity with the Italian trade union USB and the Italian workers who are fighting for their rights, against the imperialist war...

PAME Immediate Response to State Oppression with Protests in Thessaloniki and Athens

Against the intimidating tactics of the Government the unions of Thessaloniki organized a new massive protest outside police headquarters of Thessaloniki demanding the release...

Oppression and Repression of the Greek Government against the Strike(VIDEO)

The massive demonstration of the Strike in Thessaloniki protested also at the Port of the city which is being used by NATO to transfer...

Greece National General Strike of April 6 – Massive and militant Response of the Workers(VIDEO-PHOTOS)

With massive strike rallies and demonstrations, the workers of Greece participated in the General National Strike of April 6. Strike rallies were organized in...

National General Strike April 6 – More than 60 Rallies and Demonstrations will take place all over Greece

The class unions are in the workplaces and the streets transferring till the last moment the call for the success of the General Strike...