Construction Workers’ Union of Athens Solidarity with Construction Workers’ Strike in Denmark

Δημοσιεύτηκε στις

We, Construction Workers’ Union of Athens, express our solidarity and support for the just struggle of our colleagues in Femarnbelt link, Denmark, migrant construction workers from Poland and Romania, who are on strike and demanding what seems obvious, to be paid the same wage as the Danish construction workers. Such is the state’s fear for the workers’ struggle that they imposed a fine for every hour of strike in an attempt to intimidate the workers.

Colleagues we also have experience here in Greece of such tactics, where employers with the support of governments, regardless of color, made and are still making efforts to exploit migrant workers with low wages, with more hours and unpaid overtime, with theft of official documents, etc.

In our Union we are fighting together Greek and migrant workers for equal rights, work – insurance – pensions, for an improvement in working terms and conditions.

A weapon in our hands is the unity and solidarity of workers, regardless of color, sex, religion, origin against those who live from our own toil and sweat, against governments and the state that legislates based on the profit of employers.

We are on your side, all builders and construction workers, with faith in the power of organized struggle you will emerge victorious.

The working class will win!

We are with you!


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