The workers of the PDS call center to the Workers in call centers in Italy and USB Telecomm and Call Centers of Italy

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The workers of the PDS call center to the Workers in call centers in Italy and

USB Telecomm and Call Centers of Italy

Comrade workers in the call centers of Italy,

Thank you for your solidarity and support in the struggle against the dismissal of our colleagues, so that no more dismissals take place, to abolish the slave trade outsourcing offices and all workers to be hired directlyto the PDS on an open-ended contract, for the signing of a Collective Contract.

Solidarity is our weapon, and gives us strength to continueour struggle. The fact that you have achieved a victory, the hiring of the COMDATA workers directly from the call centers where they are working, fills us with optimism for our struggle.

 It shows that when we are united and our struggle has a class direction, we can get victories from the employers.

From our side we send you our militant greetings and our internationalist solidarity in the struggle you are fighting and which is common withours.

The workers of the PDS call center

The trade union committee in the PDS of the sectoral union of Finance of Attica


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