Call Center Workers of PDS Continue their strike action for Pay Rise

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Workers at PDS Call Center in Athens, majority of whom are young women, held a new strike action yesterday, Monday July 4 and unanimously decided to organize a new strike action on July 7.

The workers demand the cancellation of layoffs of 10 of their colleagues, whose contracts were not renewed, and also to sign a Collective Contract with better wages. Another basic demand of their struggle is to cancel all outsourcing contractors and all workers to be hired directly by their company.

The company filed complaints against the workers and the Finance Workers’ Union of Athens strike demanding compensation for the strike of 2.000€.

The workers with the support and solidarity of the class unions respond to the intimidations and blackmails of the company and escalate their struggle with a new strike on July 7 and actions of coordination with workers in other call centers.




[email protected]


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