PAME’s condolences for the death of Mohammad Shaban Azouz

PAME with sadness bids farewell to brother Mohammad Shaban Azouz, historic leader of the GFTU Syria and former President of the World Federation of...

Solidarity with the Workers of Britain- Hands Off the #RightToStrike

PAME denounces the new attempt by the British Government and the business groups to attack the right to strike, criminalise trade union action and...

Militant Musical Protest of Artists’ Unions and Art Schools

A massive, militant, musical protest took place on Tuesday, January 10 at the Ministry of Education in Athens against the Presidential Decree 85 that...

The historical treacherous role of social democracy against the revolutionary struggle of workers

WEBINAR KEYNOTE SPEECH BY KOSTAS BORBOTIS The topic of our discussion today, as we all understand, is not interesting only or mainly from a historical...

PAME on the medicines shortages

No to price increases in medicines Fight now for free medicines for the people The governments’ criminal policies in public healthcare have deadly results with the...

Union of Tourism, Catering, Hotel Workers of Attica: Solidarity with the strike of WOLT food delivery workers in Cyprus

Our Trade Union expresses our solidarity and support to the WOLT food delivery workers  in Cyprus , who are on strike these days demanding...

Big Demonstrations in Greece Saturday December 17

Thousands of workers took to the streets of major cities of Greece on Saturday, December 17 expressing their opposition to the antipeople’s state budget...

PAME Article: Sell-out “Trade Unions” in the service of the monopolies and the Governments

Workers' struggles have nothing to do with the filth of the ITUC- ETUC, just as these organisations have nothing to do with the working...

Solidarity in the struggle of Hungarian Teachers

We stand in solidarity with the Hungarian teachers who are fighting for better wages, humane working hours, better working conditions and defend the right...