Solidarity with the New Great Strike of Workers of France January 31

Delegation of PAME in Paris in Solidarity PAME expresses its solidarity with the workers of France who are escalating their struggle against the dirty effort...

Meeting of PAME with the AMAZON Labor Union, USA and Chris Smalls

On Thursday, 26 January a delegation of PAME met online with the AMAZON LABOR UNION, AMAZON WORKERS UNION, from the USA and the Chris...

PAME message of Solidarity with the #strike in Cyprus and PEO on January 26

PAME expresses its solidarity with the workers of Cyprus, the Pancyprian Federation of Labour PEO, which together with the other trade unions of Cyprus...

Αλληλεγγύη  στην απεργία στην Κύπρο στις 26 Γενάρη

Το ΠΑΜΕ εκφράζει την αλληλεγγύη του στους εργαζόμενους της Κύπρου, την Παγκύπρια Ομοσπονδία Εργασίας ΠΕΟ, που με τις υπόλοιπες συνδικαλιστικές οργανώσεις της Κύπρου θα...

Big Seminar of PAME On the Fight for Collective Contracts

On Friday, January 20, PAME hosted a big seminar with unionists from all sectors on the organization of the fight for Collective Contracts. The theme...

Solidarity with the Workers and the People of Peru

PAME expresses its solidarity with the workers and people of Peru and the General Strike on 19 January. We denounce the intimidations and persecutions against...

ETUC-Industriall Prove Once More Their Role as Lobbyists of the Industrialists

A few weeks after QATARGATE revelations about the former General Secretary of the ETUC, the European Trade Union Confederation (ETUC) together with its branch...

Greece January 17 National Strike of Workers in Local Authorities

Under the main slogan "STOP the employers’ crimes", "protection measures here and now" a national strike of workers in local authorities took place with...

PAME Stands on the side of the Workers of France in the General Strike January 19

PAME expresses its solidarity with the workers of France who are going on a National General Strike on January 19 against the Macron Government's...