We call upon the trade unions of Europe to express their solidarity with the working men and women of Bangladesh.

Dear colleagues, PAME and the Federation of Workers in Textile & Clothing Industries denounce the government of Bangladesh for the police attack with bullets...

We express our support and solidarity with the workers of Peru

Dear comrades, On behalf of the federations, the regional trade union centers and the trade unions rallied to PAME- GREECE, we express our support...


  The Youth Secretariat of PAME took the initiative to call the trade unions, the unions of students-apprentices, parents’ associations, university and technical college...

Protest Demonstration of PAME on Tuesday, September 10th at 7 pm.

The coalition government of ND (liberals) and PASOK (social democrats) brings a new bill on the Education System on Tuesday, September 10th Through this...


Dear colleagues, PAME, representing the class-oriented trade union movement of Greece and the trade union of workers in food, tourism and hotels, salute and...

PAME denounces the military preparation of the governments of the USA, Britain, France, Turkey and of the emirs of the Persian Gulf for the...

PAME denounces the military preparation of the governments of the USA, Britain, France, Turkey and of the emirs of the Persian Gulf for the...

PAME is on the side of the 130 workers of Carlsberg in Denmark

PAME (All Workers Militant Front) that represents the class-oriented trade union movement of Greece expresses its solidarity with the 130 workers of Carlsberg in...

PAME GREECE is on the side of Stockholm’s Metro Workers

  Dear colleagues, On behalf of PAME, that represents the class-oriented trade union movement of Greece, we express our solidarity with the Metro...

Put an end to the immigrants’ deaths

The immigrants' death incidents in our country are a daily routine. In their attempt to cross the borders, without the necessary legal documents, they...