The food & drinks industry in Greece

Regardless of the specificities of the image of the Greek economy in general and of the deeper inequalities, caused by the growing economic crisis,...

Message of PAME at the WFTU Presidential Council

Dear colleagues, On behalf of the leadership of PAME and the class-oriented trade unions of our country, we would like to transfer our militant...

Struggle against the Action Plan for the exploitation of youth

Struggle against the Action Plan for the exploitation of youth Destroy of wages and unemployment lists Unemployment is the number one problem, especially for...

Solidarity with the striking workers of the company IBERIA

We denounce the attack of the repression forces which hit the strikers of the company IBERIA under command of the government of Spain. PAME...

The trial of the 35 PAME trade unionists was further postponed on Tuesday

The trial of the 35 PAME trade unionists was further postponed on Tuesday. The trade unionists were dragged to court for the mobilization they...

Hands off the 35 trade union cadres of PAME

PAME calls all workers, trade unions and federations on Tuesday, February 12th, to massively participate in the protest and demonstrations to the Court, to...

Hands off the strike of the seamen

All together on the side of the seamen The antilabour legislation under which the workers unless they return to work, they will be arrested...

Solidarity to the workers of the Peugeot – Citroen and Renault

PAME that represents the class-oriented trade union movement of Greece, it expresses its solidarity to the workers of the Peugeot – Citroen and Renault...

Solidarity with the Steel Workers of Belgium

PAME that represents the class-oriented trade union movement of Greece, it expresses its solidarity to the steel workers of Belgium, that they are in...