Solidarity with the Workers of FRIGOGLASS Indonesia

The trade union of workers of Frigoglass in Greece and the trade union of Metal Workers of Athens, members of PAME and WFTU, express...

Athens Hotel Workers On Strike

On Wednesday, October 12, the Hotel Workers of Athens are on Strike demanding the reestablishment of their rights, salaries and benefits, which were cut...

The 17th World Trade Union Congress continuing in militant spirit

In the morning of the 3rd day of the World Trade Union Congress, October 7th, the election Comitee announced the results of the elections for...

El acto de apertura del 17 Congreso Sindical Mundial de la FSM

  Con la participación del 1500 sindicalistas de 111 países comenzó hoy el 17 Congreso Sindical Mundial de la FSM en el Durban de...

Protest of Solidarity with the Workers of MEDLOG-MSC, Turkey

Today, Friday, September 23, forces of PAME, delegation of the Labour Center of Piraeus and the class trade unions of maritime workers and sea...

Solidarity To The Workers And The Trade Union Movement Of Brazil

  PAME (All Workers Militant Front) that represents the class oriented trade union movement of Greece expresses its solidarity to the workers and the...

Militant Demonstrations of PAME in Athens And Thessaloniki (Photos)

With big demonstrations in Athens (September 9) and Thessaloniki (September 10), PAME responded to the continuous anti-workers attack of the Business Groups, the EU...

Meeting with Trade Unions from Palestine

On Wednesday, September 7, PAME was visited by a delegation from Palestinian Trade Unions. The Unions representing the workers in Petrochemical, Communications, Accountants and...

PAME Solidarity with the General Strike in India

  PAME (All Workers Militant Front) expresses its solidarity with the working class and the trade unions of India for the General Strike of...