On the Employers’ Crime In the Turkish Refineries

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PAME, All Workers Militant Front, denounces the new employers’ crime at TURPAS refineries in Izmir, Turkey, which resulted in the death of four workers.

On October 11, in the former public company TURPAS, an explosion took place in one of the tanks, resulting in the killing of 4 workers and the serious injury of another 2. This new employers’ crime comes as a follow-up to the many others in the same company. More precisely, on 7 December 2009, two workers were injured in an explosion in the refinery caused by gas trapping. On October 13, 2014, a worker lost his life when he was working on the heat exchanger. In 2015, a worker lost his life when controlling the cooling fans during the night shift at İzmir Türpaş. On May 15, 2017, three more workers were injured when examining the product in chemical processing.

Turkey’s trade union organizations have long denounced the intensification conditions, imposed by this plant, as a “death letter”, leading to workers’ murders. While the four workers who lost their lives on October 11, were contract workers.

In Greece we are also experiencing the lethal chasing of profit. Over 20 are the dead-killed workers in the last 6 months. And this is taking place while the Greek Government is talking about returning to “regularity” and “fair development”.

In both Greece and Turkey, the profits and the “development” of the bosses are based on the exploitation, to death, of the workers.

No More Workers’ Blood for Capital Profits!

PAME expresses the condolences of the class movement of Greece to the families, colleagues and the Trade Unions of the workers who lost their lives at the TURPAS refinery.

We express our class Solidarity to the workers of Turkey, to the trade unions affiliated to the WFTU, who are at the forefront of the struggle for the defence of the life and the rights of Turkish workers.

We demand the direct punishment of those responsible.





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