Chers camarades du PanergatikoAgonistikoMetopo, je vous transmets le salut fraternel de l’Union départementale des syndicats CGT du Val-de-Marne, en France, qui vous remerciepour votre...
Dear comrades, international delegates
Comrade General Secretary George Perros
On behalf of the WFTU European Office I bring greetings to the Congress of PAME, the combative...
Dear Comrade George Perros,
The militant and committed leaders and members of PAME,
Distinguished participants coming from all around the world,
First of all, I would like...
On behalf of the union of workers in Stockholm´s metro (underground) salutes this congress with radical, class-oriented unions and we thank PAME for the...
Dear comrades, I bring solidarity and greetings from the Workers Party of Ireland and from Irish workers and militant trade unionists to this important...