PAME Denounces the Municipality Authorities Of Athens For Conceding Space For Gatherings Of The Nazi-Criminal Organization Golden Dawn

The class-oriented trade union movement in Greece, PAME denounces the decision of the Mayor of Athens to provide a city’s property for the gathering...

PAME Demonstrations on Sunday May 22, All over Greece

At the weekend 21-22nd May the Greek Government brings in parliament the new round of attack against people’s income, social security and salaries! Here...

Fundraising Campaign of PAME

  Fundraising Campaign of PAME  May-June 2016  CALL TO THE WORKING CLASS AND THE UNIONS Without You No Cog Turns, Worker, You Can Without...

With Demonstrations We Prepare the 48-HOUR GENERAL STRIKE!

We Organize Our Militant Response We Prepare THE 48-HOUR STRIKE!   No worker should be fooled by the maneuvers, the manipulation and the tactics...

WFTU Statement on May Day 2016

The World Federation of Trade Unions on the occasion of the International Workers’ Day on 1st May 2016 conveys a militant salute to...

Workers Return Victorious To Their Work After 165 Days Of Hard, Class Struggle

The workers of the Recycling Factory in Heraklion Crete are preparing to return to their work victorious, after 165 days of hard struggle. For...

Resolution Against The Antidemocratic Policy Of Law Suits And Prosecutions Implemented By The Turkish Government And President T. Erdogan

  We who sign this resolution denounce the authoritarian policies of the Turkish government and President T. Erdogan, who have unleashed a wave of...

The Trade Unions of Athens Prepare to Welcome,The Great March Against Unemployment

As the Great March Against Unemployment has covered more than 100 km and comes closer to Athens, more unions and organizations announce their participation...