Big Demonstrations of PAME Demanding Collective Contracts With Wage Raises

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On Tuesday, March 20, PAME held big rallies in a number of cities in Greece with a key demand to sign Collective Contracts.

The rallies are a continuation and escalation of mobilizations in a number of industries where federations and trade unions are claiming increases in wages and the restoration of rights that were abolished in previous years.

The trade unions have denounced the SYRIZA-ANEL coalition Government of Greece, as well as the previous Greek Governments, who attacked and dissolved Collective Agreements. They imposed cuts in wages and pensions, flexible forms of employment, all in order to protect the interests of monopoly groups. In this attack they were assisted by the ETUC forces in Greece, the GSEE and ADEDY, who co-signed wage cuts and they surrendered workers’ rights.

The next major struggle for Collective Contracts is the National Strike called by the Food Workers’ Federation on March 29th.


Photos from the Athens rally:



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