April 28 PAME National Action Day in all Sectors (PHOTOS)

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April 28 has started with a series of multiform actions in workplaces of all sectors. With strikes, protests, work stoppages, meetings and general assemblies, the class unions raise their voices and workers’ demands to protect the health of the people, to defend all workers’ and people’s rights, inside and outside the workplace, to stop the attacks of employers and the government.

Under the slogan “We Paid Too Much! We Will Not Pay Again!” PAME calls all workers and the youth to raise our fist, to not give in, to not accept to pay again their crisis.  We will not decrease our demands. We will not give up our rights, our life. We will give a militant response with our collective procedures and our trade unions to the business groups, to the government that want to have us  as slaves after the pandemic, working from dawn till night, when and where they want, for pennies. The Unions also called for the militant celebration of May 1st

Photos: https://flic.kr/s/aHsmMS3rAb


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