Anti-Fascist Initiatives “We Fight Fascism and the system that gives rise to it”

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We are not afraid and we do not forget! We are fighting fascism and the system that gives rise to it!

A strong, powerful message: We are not complacent! We are building a wall for the fascists and the system that gives birth and nourishes them.

A message all corners of the country at the anti-fascist rallies and concerts that took place on Thursday, October 7, a year after the decision to condemn the criminal Nazi Golden Dawn. Athens, Piraeus, Thessaloniki, Peristeri, Kallithea, Patras, Alexandroupoli, Xanthi, Crete … The youth and the workers sent a strong message “We are not afraid. Even if fascists come out of their holes, with the backs of state and other mechanisms, carrying out brazen attacks. They do not intimidate us”.

We are here again. A year after the day when all the streets around the Court of Athens resounded with anti-fascist slogans, with the desire of an entire people for justice to prevail.

The strength of the people, the workers’ movement, the youth, the resolute stance of the trade unions and student associations, played a decisive role in revealing the true character of the criminal fascist organization, in shedding light on its relations with big businessmen, in convicting its leadership.

A year later, the fist of the people, of the workers movement, of the youth remains raised and alert against the fascists and those who nurture them.

We are here and we are sending a message against the mobilization of the unhistorical and provocative theory of the “two extremes”, which acquits the perpetrator and arms his hand. Because the system needs it as a weapon against the struggles of the workers’-peoples movement, the youth, who claim to live according to their modern needs. The needs of the people and the youth, who are suffocating for the profits of the monopolies. Their very lives, which are threatened by the country’s growing involvement in, in imperialist competitions.

The big anti-fascist rallies – concerts all over the country sent the message yesterday: The fight against fascism continues and will continue as long as there is the rotten system that gives birth to it!

In the concert of Athens present was also Magda Fyssa, the mother of the murdered antifascist Pavlos Fyssas. During the concert the people held a moment of silence in honor of the victims of fascism and raised a banner in honor of Pavlos.






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