Announcement of the cleaning workers

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At the 15th of April there was a meeting of the Administrations of the trade unions at the public schools cleaning with the participation of workers’ committees after an invitation from the national coordinating committee.

During the meeting were discussed the developments on the sector like:

The big multinational companies at cleaning are now in charge for the majority of the public buildings and private areas, and are breaking even these few working rights that are left, turning the work into a living hell for the workers. Two or three companies with monopoly characteristics take in charge not only for the cleaning but also for the guarding of public buildings, they demolish the contracts in which they took the contracts and they hire less personnel from what the contracts mention, in result they intensify the work of our colleagues and lead them to extermination, so as to make millions of profit.

According to the law “where the permanent staff is not enough then the coverage of the jobs would be with contracts that the municipalities will make” is ending the June of 2015.“For the school year 2015-2016 the contracts will be prepared from the relative municipalities. That means 8,500 workers in public schools, who have been working at the schools for the last decade will be lead to unemployment.

The payment of the accrued is being delayed and it reaches up to 4 or 5 months because the government is delaying to send the appropriations to the municipalities and many municipalities with their turn, although they are our employers they are declining to give us our accrued.

The coordinating committee estimates that the fight of the workers at cleaning schools must have two fronts: in regional level against the local administration authorities and against the coalition government, of the social democratic SYRIZA and the nationalist, far right party of ANEL, with a main demand not only the renewal of the contracts for the next school year but turning all contracts into indefinite time contracts, for all the workers, with full steady jobs, without any preconditions.

We must demand from the municipalities to take decisions for the renewal of the contracts and ask from the government to turn them into indefinite time.

With the above demand the administrations of our trade unions made at the 15th of April a protest to the deputy minister of Interior Affairs, demanding permanent jobs of all the workers at the cleaning of schools without any terms and conditions.

From the side of the government the minister was very clear. He said to the trade unions that permanent jobs is not in the intentions of the coalition government of SYRIZA – ANEL, giving though, general promises and wishes.




The responsibility for us to claim and to organize our fight for a life with dignity is set in our shoulders. No more waiting. United with no illusions to demand the only realistic solution that is the permanency of all the cleaning workers and it answers as well to our working needs as to the issue of clean schools.

Now we must demand from the coalition government to turn our contracts into indefinite time.

The coordinating committee is calling you to call meetings, General Assemblies, so that all the workers will be informed.



  • Permanent Jobs for all the contract workers, with full steady work and full salary and health insurance rights.

  • Immediate payment of all the accrued that are owed by the school comities.

  • Not even one big contractor at cleaning or any group inside the schools or any public building (hospitals, universities, etch).

  • Block all the companies of cleaning – contractors from all public buildings and services, all the workers should be hired by the state with full and steady work.

  • We say no to the intensifying of the work, massive hiring of cleaning workers for clean schools.

  • Abolition of the part time work.




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