All India Road Transport Workers’ Federation: Solidarity to the Greece Trade Unions Strike

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All India Road Transport Workers’ Federation extends whole hearted support and solidarity to the struggling Greece Workers. The Trade Unions in Greece after series of protest actions against the brutal onslaught of the Greece Government on the rights of the workers and the functioning of the Trade Unions have given a call for national wide strike on 03rd June 2021.

The attack on the workers and the steps to nullify the Trade Unions has become the order of the neo liberal policies. We the Trade Unions and the Working Class all over the Globe has to stand with the struggling Greece Workers. It is only the way to expose the anti-worker and anti-people policies of the rulers and to unite the Working Class.

The Greece Government has introduced the barbaric new bill that will legalize unpaid overtime, with 13-hour daily work, 7days a week. The new bill also will impose a series of restrictions and obstacles to the function of the unions and the right to strike completely abolishing the right to Collective Bargaining.

In India too, the Government under the leadership of Mr.Narendra Modi has converted most of the Labour laws in to 4 Codes duly withdrawing the minimum protection to the workers. It legalizes the Contract labour, appointment of Apprentice Workers in perineal nature of works and stringent restrictions on “Right to Work”. The Indian Working Class is fighting against those retrograde labour Codes.

This type of attacks are taking place in several countries. We, the Working Class has to fight against these attacks and express support and solidarity to the workers where ever they are in struggles.

 All India Road Transport Workers’ Federation, a working-class conscious organization expresses support and solidarity to the working class of Greece.

Long Live Working-Class Unity- Workers of the World Unite

Yours Sincerely
General Secretary


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