Working men and women, unemployed, young people,
No one must work without having a Collective Contract
Secure minimum wages through collective bargaining, not by law.
All in the strike on February 20th , 10.30a.m. Omonoia
Every work place must be deserted! The country must paralyze
The struggle for the collective contracts concerns all workers.
Both in public and private sector the industrialists, the monopoly groups, the bankers, the ship-owners want us like slaves, without steady wage or insurance, they want us isolated, everybody for himself, so as to bend us. They want to enslave and enchain us; they want to make the workplaces into modern sweatshops.
They want all of our salaries down to 300€!
Re-establishment of the minimum wage at 751€ in the National General Collective Agreement, as a basis for discussion and negotiation for raises. Protection of the sectoral collective contracts and struggle for signing new agreements based upon the sectoral wages as established in the sectoral collective contracts.
The working people must give their response.
The division of the workers must not pass.
The development that they dream of is stained with blood from the butchering of our rights, the misery of the people. The plan to abolish the collective agreements, the benefits, the right for holidays, the reductions in wages and pensions, the dismissals, the programs of providing young people and unemployed to work for free are serving the interests of the big employers and the large monopoly groups to increase their profits.
They want us to work with hunger-wages, from sunrise till sunset, without any rights, modern beggars searching at the programs of the OAED (Manpower Employment Organization) to work for only 2 or 3 months. This is the kind of development that they want, with the workers impoverished and enchained, with unemployment raising, used to threaten and blackmail with dismissals the workers that they already squeezed.
This is the “law and order” of the government and the capitalists. On the one hand it means work without rights and miserable wages and on the other hand absolute silence in the workplaces and the sectors. IT WILL NOT PASS!
Law is what is right for the worker, right for the people!
We cannot pay. We can not afford to.
We must say no to the head fines. No to taxes!
The storm of taxes, the continuous head fines, the abolition and reduction of benefits in Health and Education, bleeds us.
No one should be left alone.
The trade unions, the people’s committees in every neighbourhood can and must raise the banner of solidarity. The charities of the NGO’s, the programs of poverty recycling and of unemployment distribution must not pass as a painkiller for our misery. We do not deserve a life like this! Substantial protection for the unemployed and their families by extending the unemployment benefit and it’s time duration, freezing the debts of the unemployed.
We are the majority, who suffers. We have the right to live with decent wages. We have the power to impose our right!
We must put an end to this rotten situation, where sweat becomes profits and wealth for the few.
We demand the abolition of the loan treaties and the memorandums, the exit of our country from the “wolf-pack” of the European Union, the cancelation of the debt.
We have the power! We must enter the struggle more decisively!
You must join the struggle of the workers, the self-employed, the poor farmers, the youth, the women, you must counterattack. All of you who are oppressed and tortured by the measures, even if you have never gone on strike until now. It is the time for you to make the step to the conflict. Dissatisfaction and anger are not enough to turn the wheel. Nothing is going to change if we do not make the first step in organization. The illusions that capitalism can supposedly be corrected and become humane must disappear. With greater confidence in our abilities to organize our struggle within the workplaces.
With our struggles, with our unity, we must isolate every voice that is in the opposite side, the state mechanisms, and the people of the employers, the governmental and employers’ trade unionism.
Today a movement and leaders which are determined for hard struggles with the dictatorship of the monopolies are needed. A movement and leaders that will struggle for the workers’ interests and they will not be the tool of the system in the governments’ alternation to save capitalism. A front of resistance and counterattack must be erected within the workplaces and the neighbourhoods.
Join PAME. Organization in our trade unions.
We must change the correlations that keep us enchained. We must organize the success of the strike in a planned way, through every day action and discussion in the factories and workplaces, in the trade unions, in the general meetings, in the neighbourhoods.
Struggle and rupture now, before it is too late.
All in the strike on February 20th 10.30 Omonoia sq.